What have I been up to?
All the way back in July when I last posted, I definitely had a ton of stuff to update on. I guess now I have some updates to the updates? I know half of this stuff is not very interesting …
All the way back in July when I last posted, I definitely had a ton of stuff to update on. I guess now I have some updates to the updates? I know half of this stuff is not very interesting …
Last summer I purchased a 48ft aluminium tower and an antenna rotor. This year I purchased a tri-band yagi to put on top of it. Between work, kids, life, and perpetual procrastination, I haven’t been able to get my prep …
I built a form for the concrete base for my new tower Read more »
Wow it has been a while since I’ve posted anything. I guess it’s time for a bit of an update. The most important thing is that I got my TS-570 fixed! Thanks to a local ham who figured out there was a …
Happy New Year! Now that 2015 has come to a close and we have a whole new year ahead of us, I’ve decided to set some ham radio goals for the year. I am probably being overly ambitious but if …
So I recently decided that I to build a new antenna for my 70 cm rig to replace the dual band magnet mount that I was using as it did not fit well in my new shack. I ended up …
I guess it’s been quite some time since I’ve posted. The last time was way back in July. A few things have changed since then. I’ve not come into possession of a Kenwood TS-570SG (HF + 6m) and have moved …
I’m fortunate enough to belong to a club that is willing to lend out spare gear to those of us who are a bit underfunded. I had been using a Kenwood TS-120 but there turned out to be an intermittent …
The last few weeks have almost been like a second Christmas for me. I’ve picked up a bunch of new radio gear and I’m now on my way to being on a new band and back on another. Thanks to …
It took longer than expected to finish my “Saturday evening project” but none the less the mast is up and so are the antennas. As you can see in the picture below, there are two of them. One is a …
Now that I have set up all my VHF, UHF, and Packet gear, I’ve come to realize that I need to make a better effort to get my antennas mounted properly. I currently have two antennas mounted on the side …