ICOM unveiled IC-7300 at Tokyo Ham Fair 2015
ICOM has unveiled the IC-7300 transceiver. It is an all mode (SSB / CW / RTTY / AM / FM), HF + 50Mhz radio that comes in the 3 models listed below. IC-7300 – 100 W IC-7300M – 50 W …
ICOM has unveiled the IC-7300 transceiver. It is an all mode (SSB / CW / RTTY / AM / FM), HF + 50Mhz radio that comes in the 3 models listed below. IC-7300 – 100 W IC-7300M – 50 W …
— I am not affiliated with the Greenwood ARC, but I am an NSARA member, so I wanted to pass this along — The Greenwood Amateur Radio Club is pleased to host the 2015 NSARA Picnic! The event will be …
After what seems like a very long time, Georg Lukas (DO1GL) has pushed out a new update to this awesome APRS application for Android (APRSdroid). The UI has been modernized a bit, some bugs have been fixed, and there has …
So I recently decided that I to build a new antenna for my 70 cm rig to replace the dual band magnet mount that I was using as it did not fit well in my new shack. I ended up …
I guess it’s been quite some time since I’ve posted. The last time was way back in July. A few things have changed since then. I’ve not come into possession of a Kenwood TS-570SG (HF + 6m) and have moved …
I’m fortunate enough to belong to a club that is willing to lend out spare gear to those of us who are a bit underfunded. I had been using a Kenwood TS-120 but there turned out to be an intermittent …
The last few weeks have almost been like a second Christmas for me. I’ve picked up a bunch of new radio gear and I’m now on my way to being on a new band and back on another. Thanks to …
Ever since I got back into packet radio, I’ve been looking for a suitable software application that would work with my PK-88 and Windows 7. After trying to figure out a way to get WinPack to work in Windows 7 …
Packet: Using Outpost Packet Message Manager with a PK-88 TNC Read more »
I’ve always hated the wait between the time I order something on eBay and when it is received. I’m quite impatient. None-the-less, today I received my Linksys WRT54G v2 router that I ordered last week on eBay. These evening I …
The K3LR contesting station is an amazing place! If only we all the means to create such and awesome station!