Kenwood TS-570S – Issues with Audio and DOTS on screen

I recently posted this to YouTube. My TS-570S has been having a couple of issues.

The first is an issue with receive audio dropping down very low a few seconds after turning the radio on. I am told (by a local ham who repairs most of our gear) that this is usually caused by bad solder joints on the SSB filters. Often times removing the filters, cleaning things up a bit, and then re-soldering them back in place does the trick.

The second issue is the DOTS issue. I am told this is somewhat common and that it’s due to the VCO not being able to lock on frequency. It seems that there’s a pot on the PLL circuit that can be adjusted to set the correct voltage so that the VCO locks correctly.

I’m not an expert in radio repair, by any stretch of the imagination, but I think I might be able to do both of these myself. I’ll post an update once I get a chance to attempt the repairs.

73 for now!
Dennis – VE1XT


3 Comments on “Kenwood TS-570S – Issues with Audio and DOTS on screen

    • Hi Kendrick,

      It seems to come and go. I believe that it’s the VCO that needs to be adjusted. I believe the voltage is slightly off. There’s a pot that can be adjusted. I have no done so yet because right now it’s not doing it. I have a sneaky feeling it might be related to the temperature (it might be sometimes throwing the voltage off if the temperature swings too much or something). That’s just a guess.

      73 de VE1XT

      • Hello Dennis, plz update me on the issue of the dots. My 570 is doing the same thing and would like to know how to fix it. Thank you.

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