Welcome to 2016 – My Ham Goals For The Year
Happy New Year!
Now that 2015 has come to a close and we have a whole new year ahead of us, I’ve decided to set some ham radio goals for the year. I am probably being overly ambitious but if I can get few items checked off I will be happy.
Here are the goals I have set for 2016. They aren’t in any particular order.
- Continue practicing CW on a daily basis
- Make my first CW contact by mid February
- Make lots of HF contacts (CW, SSB, Digital)
- Study for, and achieve Advanced Certification
- Acquire a new tower, hf beam, rotor (and get them installed)
- Purchase and install new Yaesu System Fusion compatible radio (our club now has three YSF repeaters)
- Purchase and build a kit radio of some sort
- Become more involved in the technical side of our radio club operations
What are your ham radio goals for 2016? Feel free to comment and let me know. I will also post updates throughout the year when I manage to accomplish some of these.
73 for now!
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